Outline of two children


Your Church Can Invest in a Better Future for Youth

Compassion’s Youth Development Priority Initiative gives young people the tools they need to transition to the next stage of life. From providing basic training in computer skills to supporting university students as they work toward a degree, Youth Development is the crucial final step in helping children escape poverty forever.

Every young person deserves to dream big and achieve his or her God-given potential. Yet millions of young people in the developing world face obstacles that rob them of that opportunity. When young people see no prospect of building a better life, their ambitions die, and the cycle of poverty continues into the next generation.

Your support of Compassion’s Youth Development initiatives can help young people across the developing world overcome these challenges. These vital interventions lift young people so they can reach for their dreams and continue their journey out of poverty. By providing access to second- and third-level education, discipleship, vocational training and much more, you can empower young people to change their lives, their communities and even their countries.

Praying and Doing Microfinance

Many Paths to Success

Compassion celebrates the fact that every young person is unique. Our Youth Development Priority Initiative includes a broad spectrum of opportunities tailored to individuals and designed to help young people achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Trained staff members work with young people to discover their gifts and passions. Together, they develop a life plan that will lead to success and fulfilment. This plan is regularly reviewed as the young person maps out a path to becoming a responsible, contributing member of his or her community.

God blesses every young person with a unique set of individual gifts and talents. Youth Development initiatives are designed to enable young people to access, develop and use those gifts to benefit themselves and their community.

These Teenagers Can't Wait

Youth Development interventions your church can support include:


Formal Education

  • Providing access to secondary school, seminary and third-level education.
  • Tutoring for entrance examinations.
  • Supporting students through institute trainings and leadership development.

Non-formal Education

  • Providing vocational training and apprenticeships.
  • Teaching job-search skills and computer literacy.
  • Holding enrichment camps and retreats.

Income-generation Training

  • Teaching business, entrepreneurship and finance for start-ups.
  • Providing equipment and materials
  • Providing micro-enterprise. opportunities, including seed capital and micro-loans.