Compassion’s Model: Holistic Child Development
Holistic child development through sponsorship is foundational to Compassion’s ministry to more than 2.2 million children across the globe. Our proven child sponsorship program thrives when a child is matched one-to-one with a loving sponsor. But sometimes it can take months or, in some cases, over a year for a registered Compassion child to be sponsored. And in the meantime, we welcome these children into our programs until they can be matched with a sponsor for long-term financial sustainability.
How Compassion Cares for Unsponsored Children
Around the world, thousands of children in Compassion's program are waiting for sponsors. This happens for many reasons. Sometimes, a sponsor has cancelled their support, and now the child is waiting for a new sponsor. In other cases, a local child development center registered a child so they can receive all the benefits of the Compassion program while they wait to be matched with a sponsor. But to ensure that these local churches can continue serving these children for as long as it takes to find a sponsor, we need your support. During this waiting period, your generosity ensures pressing needs are met, allowing every registered child to receive the full benefits of our child development program from dedicated local church partners.

How Your Church Can Help Unsponsored Children
Approximately 260,000 children are enrolled in Compassion programs while they wait for a sponsor. When we register a new child, it can take several months to find a sponsor for that child. Because of the Unsponsored Children fund, these waiting children receive the same benefits as sponsored children right away.
Your donation will speak hope into the hearts of many children by supplying critical resources and the opportunity to be included in a Compassion program while they wait for a sponsor. That’s what this fund is all about — standing in the gap on behalf of children living in poverty.

Basic Medical Care
Health assessments and nutritious meals to combat hunger

Educational Support
Reading, writing and math lessons and training in proper hygiene

Christ-Centered Guidance
An opportunity to hear about God’s love for them